Sunday, July 19, 2009

PT Students Do Aero Taebo

Last July 15, Thursday, there was a commotion heard by the UERMMMCI community in the gymnasium as the students of the College of Physical Therapy gathered to do Aero-Taebo. The event was led by the You FC, which started at 3:00 p.m.

This year, group exercise goes home-grown with students leading the school in the affair. Mr. Raymond Carlos, PT Level III served as the main man on stage, with assists from other You FC members serving as marshals around the gymnasium to help

The aero-taebo activity is the latest in the annual group exercise sponsored by the College of Physical Therapy in time with the National Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation Week. This is in line with the goal of the observances, which is prevention of disability.

Mr. Carlos, one of the founders of You FC (Your Ultimate Fitness Club), is an amateur mixed martial arts fighter who has joined intercollegiate events aside from being a 3rd Year PT student. You FC is a group of Knights Club members composed of Physical Therapy students dedicated to the promotion of health, fitness and well-being through the shared love of the growing discipline of mixed martial arts. Knights Club is the College of Physical Therapy organization for sports.


Anonymous said...

Just saw the pictures... its a good thing we still have this kinds of activities... but wait, can I ask where I can get one of the T-shirts that the students were wearing??? - Rongie

MVResuello said...

They printed it for themselves for their Health Care or NSTP. Let's ask if they will allow it to be reprinted.