Friday, December 12, 2008

Donor Roll: Dr. Jose Tandoc

The College of Physical Therapy gives its sincere thanks and appreciation to the gift of knowledge as shared by our latest donor, Dr. Jose Tandoc. The four (4) books are to be stored in the UERM Library for the use of all the students in the Medical Center.

He gave us the following volumes:
  1. American Medical Association Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment (4th ed.)
  2. Practical Electromyography by Ernest Johnson (2nd ed.)
  3. Clinical Electromyography Nerve Conduction Studies by Shin J. Oh, MD (2nd ed.)
  4. Sports Medicine by Richard Strauss, MD (1st ed.)
Dr. Tandoc is a long-time partner of the UERMMMC College of Physical Therapy. He is a sponsor of the College's Annual Book Award, which gives opportunities for deserving students to buy needed references.

Thank you, Dr. Tandoc!

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