Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Pictures During the Gala Night

The Hymns and Symphony and the first public performance of the UERMMMC CPT Hymn

The Alumni Association President leads alumni in the Pledge of Loyalty

Tejeros Hall, AFP

Mrs. Serafina P. Maxino had a big role towards creating today's College of Physical Therapy with Dr. Alcazaren and Dr. Malaya. At her left stands Dr. Romeo A. Divinagracia, our present President.

The UERM College of PT Faculty and Staff with Da Juan who started it all...

Dr. Juan A. Alcazaren, Jr.

Dr. Arnel V. Malaya, Dr. Juan A. Alcazaren, Jr., and Dr. Josephine R. Bundoc

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yugs, daw nabasahan ko naman ni sa iban nga blog?