Sheila Marie Laurido was ranked 4th with a grade of 82.55% while Gregorio Dorado (a.k.a. "G3") placed 9th with a grade of 81.75%. We got an overall passing percentage of 66.67% over the national passing percentage of 38.26%.
Other UERMMMC College of PT graduates who passed the examination are the following:
- Bueza, Charmaine Anne P. (2007)
- Diuco, Eula Monica C. (2007)
- Piencenaves, Audwin John R. (2007)
- Rey, Maria Monica C. (2007)
- Rigets, Katrina Grace G. (2007)
- Zuela, Mary Aiza A. (2007)
The UERM community and the alumni association are very proud of you. God bless you in your future endeavors!